Yeah... 2 finals down and 2 finals to go... Wooo Hooo!!!!!
2005-12-13 - 12:12 a.m.

Well, everyone today was my first and hardest final :D I am still not sure what I made on the final itself but I made a B in the class for this semester. Yay... I passed algebra :D So on to 303 next year which I hear is even harder... eppppp....

So, I sold my books back today and got a little bit of cash and as a end of semester gift I got my nails done and my lip peirced :D I am glad I got it redone I have felt so nakid without it for these last few months :D Next semester my eyebrow :D

Here is my lip peircing :D Better pics on the pic page :D

Well, today I went to school and actually dressed up. Can you believe it? I know the last two months I have been bumming around like a rugrat. I don't know why I just haven't felt like doing my hair or make-up... I mean geesh I am in college lol hahaha, if that is not excuse enough in itself lol... But today I made the extra effort to look good and it felt good to do so :D

Go check out my pic page and I will post pics of me today and my peircing :) Hehehehe, I don't really like em all but well you know some are good and some are bad... I guess we deal with it right lol,and the truth of the matter is I am getting older and I am naturally going to look older :D Now, I just need to learn how to accept my aging gracefully cause I am starting to think I am looking pretty old :(

Well, this is the first of two entrys I need to make tonight... so I guess I am going to post this one... add my pics to the pic page and if I have time I will post my other entry as well...

~Velevt Tearz~

0 thoughts left so far

My mood right now...

What I am listening too or watching at the moment...Well, really I am watching American Werewolf in London...