Wishing... Wondering... Waiting...
2006-06-13 - 10:21 p.m.

You know how you have those moments of complete and utter confusion for most of your life... and then you have these brief glimpses that you are completely sure of everything... those time are so few and far between... but when they happen it is like this amazing feeling comes over you and you are like OMF... that is the truth... how could I not see, how was I so blind? ... and then your whole life just changes... the weird thing is that you would expect it to be a huge life shattering change... this clarity makes in your life... but sometims it is but a small change in your thoughts, actions, and feelings...

Like for me... my life changing moment happened a few weeks ago... but it did not really hit me until today... and now I am sitting here thinking wow... that did effect me and make a impact on my life in profound ways... ways I did not understand would change at the time... now it seems to me that those changes are coming out... in same ways... ways I am starting to understand... sometimes the things we do though determental to ourselves... can make one see who we really are... lol and what we really want... it is all so clear to me... NOW...

Amazing... now time to not think about it anymore lol... but that breif moment was a great one... :D A happy thought in a world of misery :D

Love ~Velvet Tearz~

0 thoughts left so far

My mood right now...Confusion is nothing new :D but clarity is...

What I am listening too or watching at the moment...Your Beautiful by James Blunt